Buying behaviour
We listen to your customers carefully and refine what we hear into concrete customer understanding – an effective tool for management.

What makes a customer buy? What kind of communication do we use to guide decisions at different stages of the customer journey? How are our product categories structured, and how do buyers navigate within them? What criteria do people use when they evaluate various options and make their choice?
Research data provides strong evidence of the functionality of your products. It also arouses interest and supports your customer’s activities in a concrete manner. We provide you with insight that helps you optimize your marketing and sales and enables you to improve your customers experience. Tracking surveys indicate the success of your operations and highlight any changes taking place in the market, competitive situation or customer expectations efficiently and quickly – so you can react immediately.
We serve you in the following areas:
- Marketing concept survey
- Pricing survey
- Category study
- Customer journey surveys
- Shopper survey
- Tracking survey
- Market dynamics research